
Local drivers are usually paid by the hour, with extra earnings for overtime working. Employers compensate long distance truck drivers mainly by the mile. This kind of rate may vary from employer to employer or it may depend on the type of freight they are trucking. Usually, payment increases with seniority, mileage driven, seniority, and the size of truck driven.

Many truck drivers receive commissions based on their sales. Drivers without experience earn from the minimum wage to $20.00 per hour. The pay for drivers with experience range from minimum to $25.00 per hour.

Working Conditions

Working Conditions

Truck Drivers encounter a huge responsibility: they must drive heavy, expensive trucks. Load deliveries keep drivers away from home for long periods of time. There are factors such as noise, vibration, poor weather conditions or heavy traffic that may cause mental and physical...

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Job Outlook

Job Outlook

The high price of insurance makes it hard to get employment as a Truck Driver. Employment opportunities should be favorable for drivers. Many truck drivers find jobs in large metropolises or along major highways where retail, trucking and wholesale companies lean to have...

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